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Emirates rejected again!
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So I've been to three open days, two I was shortlisted and at both AD's my assessment was to talk about creative ways of using certain objects. However, I have never gotten further than that assessment!! What are they looking for? I'm not outgoing, I'm quiet and work well in a team. I don't understand.. it's very unmotivating..
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I failed at the same stage too, I know that my mistake was to speak individually when I had to speak up in front of the group, for exemple I said "MY idea is...".
That's a stupid mistake but realised it too late.
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The first time I did the assessment I got nervous and I think that's why I wasn't selected but the second time I've no idea what I did. I was very clear and professional..
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Not outgoing and quiet... Wont work well at Emirates.
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Wondering about this too. I'm overall an introvert but can be extrovert when needed, I work well in a team. But my teammates were talking non stop, I'm afraid to cut people when they're talking but at the same time this is what makes me can't speak anything except some motivation and positive words. A girl in my group got in despite not giving out any idea not even talking a word. All she did was writing down our ideas. So....
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Even if all she did was ''write down our ideas'' she was still working as part of the team and taking an active role. What you do during these situations often shows what personality type you have and the role you would take in part of a time. She was clearly an organised person who likes to think about situations.

If you sit there in silence and do not contribute anything because others are 'loud' then you will be overlooked. If you're too worried to speak in that environment, how are going to be in an emergency situation with all the crew shouting instructions?

Don't take over, but take part.

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